NaPoWriMo April 2,2024

Today’s prompt:

“Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a platonic love poem. In other words, a poem not about a romantic partner, but some other kind of love – your love for your sister, or a friend, or even your love for a really good Chicago deep dish pizza. The poem should be written directly to the object of your affections (like a letter is written to “you”), and should describe at least three memories of you engaging with that person/thing.”

Arch (bend you)

I see you with your ethereal beauty. Arching curves
achingly pulling me in. The way you beckon me with your
green and brown earth tones grounds me like no other. Did
someone bend you until you almost broke?

Instead you showed them
and grew into
something much more beautiful?
Showing your true resilience.

Grit and grace and no pain in your face.
My favourite walk with an
archway of trees in the most serene town
next to the sea.

©Tanja Tomlinson

Photo by Namfon Sasimaporn on

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